Simply the best

01 286 3362

01 286 3362






Basic cost just €39 an hour

on board training, sailing boats:


handling under power


marina berthing and unberthing


man over board procedures


handling in heavy wind and rough sea conditions


cruising sail trim


cruising rig set up


basic engine and electrics maintenance.




GPS, plotters, radar, radio


Not everyone wants, or needs, a formal navigation course or certificate course.   Sometimes people would just like help with practical things such as boat handling in the marina or using new electronic navigation aids.


We are very happy to help with what we call 'own boat tuition' where you define what you want to do rather than have to follow a set course syllabus.


For example a lot of owners of new boats, or boats new to them, benefit from practice at leaving and returning to a marina berth; this is particularly so with fast planing motor yachts with flying bridges which can often be difficult to handle in confined spaces, especially with a bit of a breeze.


Usually it is easier to get out of a berth than to get back into it. The crew are a vital part of the equation when you do get in - problems are going to arise if they can't manage to get the boat tied up quickly or have the fenders at the wrong height.


We often get enquiries from boat owners who 'just want to know how to use the GPS plotter'; we can do that but only if you have at least a little basic knowledge of navigation and seamanship.


            Whatever you want!







on board training, motor boats:


marina berthing and unberthing,


man over board procedures,


engine and electrics maintenance




short passages and pilotage


electronic navigation aids


crew training


High speed manoeuvres


fuel consumption analysis


GPS, plotters, radar, radio

site copyright david jerrard 2012